Hillsboro R-III Public Schools Foundation
Helping Hawks Soar

Ways to Give
The HIllsboro R-III Public Schools Foundation is exempt from taxation under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and contributions to it are deductible under Section 170 of the code.
Donations and estate planning for the Hillsboro R-III Public Schools Foundation are welcome from members, their families or friends, supporters of the foundation, firms with an interest in the engineering profession and corporate foundations and trusts. You may earmark your contribution to be applied directly to a specific area or to the general fund with all contributions ultimately benefiting all facets of the foundation activities. For more information, please contact us at contact@hr3foundation.org.
Other Ways to Give:
Contribute through Givebutter​
or scan QR Code with your phone.
Forms of payment include Debit Card,
Paypal, Venmo, Credit Card (Visa,
Mastercard, Discover and American Express)
Establish a Memorial
A memorial can be created in the memory of a loved one. Memorial gifts would acknowledge the memory of the loved. Memorial gifts may be set up through Givebutter.
Give Retirement
401K or IRA accounts can also be used as charitable gifts to the Hillsboro R-III Public Schools Foundation.